Microsoft/Operating Systems
윈도우 서버 성능 수집 - typeperf
2018. 6. 14. 23:01
typeperf를 사용하여 윈도우 서버 성능 수집
perfmon 보다 편리하게 사용이 가능하다.
typeperf 옵션
Option | Description |
-? | Displays context-sensitive help. |
-f <CSV | TSV |
-cf <filename> | Specifies a file containing a list of performance counters to monitor, with one counter per line. |
-si <[[hh:]mm:]ss> | Specifies the sample interval. The default is one second. |
-o <filename> | Specifies the path for the output file, or the SQL database. The default is STDOUT (written to the command window). |
-q [object] | Display a list of installed counters (no instances). To list counters for one object, include the object name. ***EXAMPLE |
-qx [object] | Display a list of installed counters with instances. To list counters for one object, include the object name. |
-sc <samples> | Specifies the number of samples to collect. The default is to collect data until CTRL+C is pressed. |
-config <filename> | Specifies a settings file containing command options. |
-s <computer_name> | Specifies a remote computer to monitor if no computer is specified in the counter path. |
-y | Answer yes to all questions without prompting. |
typeperf "\Processor)_Total)\% Processor Time"
typeperf "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor time" "\Memory\Available KBytes" -si 1 -o perf.csv
=> 1초마다(-si 1) 두 가지 성능 데이터를 perf.csv 파일로(-o) 저장, -si 기본값은 1초
typeperf 에서 사용할 수 있는 성능 카운터를 파일로 저장하기
typeperf -qx -o counter.txt